Saturday, September 27, 2014

Book sale

I've missed the AAUW book sale the past three or four years but made it this time.  The haul was

Malcom Cowley - After the Genteel Tradition
Kingsolver - The Poisonwood Bible
Brooks - The Flowering of New England
Oates - The Whirlwind of War
The Best of Sholom Aleichem
Brecht - Seven Plays
Donald Harington - Let Us Build a City
Flannery O'Connor - The Habit of Being
Rose Macaulay - Pleasure of Ruins
Chubb - Dante and His World

There was an interesting book about the Pre-Raphelites but it was a QPB edition so I passed.  Also a collection of French wartime writings and another about 19c realists but I realized even for $1 I'd never read those.  There was a Modern Library edition of Life of Johnson but I didn't need another and couldn't think of anybody else who would want it.