Wednesday, October 25, 2006
wow, quitting WoW
Well, it was finally time. After playing well over a year I finally quit World of Warcraft. Logged in today, mailed my gold and items to friends & guildies, cancelled the billing and uninstalled the program. Have been toying with this for a few months but with the next billing to hit in a few days this was just the right time. There was still a lot I never did in WoW but the deciding factor came a couple of weeks ago when my most recent character hit 60. The last time that happened there were lots of cheers from my guild and every time I logged in for a few days somebody had noticed and sent congratulations. This time only two people said anything. Admittedly not a very good guild to begin with and there were internal squabbles that broke it down shortly afterwards but still. WoW was still "fun" but was also starting to feel like more of the same - hitting BGs just to keep up honor, grinding for items, etc. So I have Operational Art of War 3 and Civilization 4 just waiting, then there's always City of Heroes....