Sunday, June 30, 2002

About a Boy (Chris & Paul Weitz 2002) - Should have been DOA. Is not. Guess why.


Somebody's library check-out slip found in a library copy of Life: A User's Manual, all titles due 12/13/2001:

Steven Feld - Senses of Place

Monika Langer - Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology

Georges Perec - Things

Perec - W

Perec - Life: A User's Manual


eBay has perpetrated a major design botch with their update of the My eBay page. Formerly you could track auctions fairly easily but now there are multiple problems: (1) ended items are automatically moved to separate Won or Lost columns, so that following auctions is now a jumping game; (2) the numerous tiny image files make downloading take about twice as long; (3) the larger font and double-spacing makes the page take up a ridiculous amount of space.